Tsai Mong Hsuan

I say hello to the ground and choose to be happy 跟地板說完哈囉後,我選擇快樂 (2020)

video, 15'50

I say hello to the ground and choose to be happy is a 15 mins film which unfolds the dynamic between the joy and anxiety in contemporary social life resulting from social expectations on our attitudes and behaviors. The film contemplates with an elaborative perspective of bodily measurements when people are being in front of others. The evidence of anxiety and stress is expressed with gestures and movements. With my previous experience in dance field, I found it is especially apparent at the limbs. The film consists of footages that were shot in Amsterdam, Vienna, Taipei, Paris, Florac, Djursholm, and Munich with a phone. The manipulation of sound and silence is aim to resemble the social settings and the inner state of mind. With this film I would like to propose these questions: must we conform to obtain happiness? How can we resolve the incongruence and finally feel at ease? Is happiness a fixed ultimate state of mind that can be achieved or chosen? Or is it more about the attempt to raise the head from looking down to the ground to face what is in the view?
「跟地板說完哈囉後,我選擇快樂」是一部長 15 分鐘的短片,試圖透過影像將平時躲藏於肢體細節中,不可見的人際壓力,舒展於觀者的心理空間之中,以此探問「人在群體中如何自處」的這個問題。在拍攝上,奠基於我先前的舞蹈與劇場的表演基礎,我將對肢體觀察的能力運用在取材上,並善用手機能不著痕跡於日常生活中捕抓細節的特性。在剪輯上,以意象的流動為軸線,琢磨於當代人的身體如何回應社會加諸於之的期待,並以此為觸媒,思索鬆綁的狀態可能性。本片經過兩年的製作,取材於全球多國多城市 (Amsterdam, Vienna, Taipei, Paris, Florac, Djursholm, Hiroshoma and Munich)。在聲音的處理上,我用無聲來模擬心理空間,使其以外在世界的嘈雜形成一強烈對比。藉由本片我想探究當我們生活在群體中,要如何協調內在感受與外在眼光?若內外在必然存在著衝突,身體何以中介兩者,成為心神的歸所?
